Ways to Maximize Bathroom Storage
It’s a rare day when a client tells me they have plenty of storage in their bathroom and that more is not needed. On the contrary, I’d say the number one request is to “maximize storage.” Fortunately there are many ways to do just that, even in a small bathroom. Here are some ideas: Custom Cabinetry Custom cabinetry, which I use in 99% of my design projects, allows me to [...]
Great Flooring Options for your Kitchen
If we narrow the choices down to two categories - functionality and aesthetics - this will help you figure out what will work best for your home. In my mind, functionality covers two basic things: will it hold up to your busy lifestyle? and how easy is it to clean and maintain? Aesthetics are also important— you will keep this floor for many years, so let’s make sure you will [...]
Same Floor Plan; Completely Different Looks
In housing tracts, neighborhoods will contain half a dozen or so models spread throughout the tract. If you’re like me, you take walks around the neighborhood, seeking out examples of your own model to see what other owners have done with it. After 20 years as an interior designer in the Tri City area, there have been more than a few instances where I’ve been able to design the same [...]
Remodeling for a Family of Foodies
I would describe my clients for this kitchen remodeling project as “foodies.” They love to explore a variety of cuisines in restaurants, and also love to cook at home. Delicious food is a passion I share with them, and I’ve enjoyed the many conversations we’ve had about our various culinary experiences. I’ve worked with them several times over the years, always knowing we’d get to their kitchen eventually. But during [...]
Remodeling is a Team Effort
Until you’ve undergone a major remodel yourself, it’s hard to fathom just how much of a team effort it really is. You may not realize how many people it takes to get the project done, even when it’s a simple bath remodel. Some of the people involved are in the forefront- those are the ones that arrive at your house to run wires, pound nails and install tile. Others, however, [...]
Key Measurements to Know for Interior Design
I field questions all the time related to how big a rug or chandelier should be, or how high to hang artwork. In this month’s column, I thought I’d share answers to these frequently asked questions. Q. How big should my dining room chandelier be? A. Add the length and width of the room in feet. That number, in inches, would be a good diameter for that light fixture. For [...]
Tips for a Successful Kitchen Design
Over my 20 years in business, I’ve designed dozens of kitchens. While all kitchens have the same elements — space for cooking, washing, refrigeration, food storage— the fun part is in designing spaces that really fit the clients’ needs and wants. With that in mind, I’ve complied some tips for you to consider when planning your own kitchen remodel. Ingredients within easy reach If you love to cook from [...]
Decorating Ideas for Any Budget
If you want to spruce up your home but you don’t want to break the bank, here are some ideas to fit your budget. For Free Give a room a whole new look by rearranging your existing furniture. An expert tip for you, though— if you want to really do this right, start by removing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING (including nails where artwork was previously hung), from the room [...]
Color, Beauty and Functionality in a Small Bath
Fremont houses are not known for their large baths, especially If the house is on the older side. In fact, some baths are so small that they do not even adhere to current building codes when it comes to spacing around the toilet and size of shower. That was the case in this bathroom, where we had to create a curbless shower so it would be large enough to pass [...]
Master Bath Transformation: Everything in its Beautiful Place
Even though this master bath was quite large, It was not offering my clients what they needed. The tub area took up too much space in the room, and not only was the tub difficult to get in and out of, it was also difficult to clean. With an overabundance of tile decking around the tub, there was no place to store toiletries, and it was very difficult to open [...]
Planning a Design Project? Question Yourself Like a Designer
If you’re planning a design project, ask yourself the same questions a designer would ask you. When I meet with new clients, I ask lots of questions to get to know their lifestyle, taste and design goals so I can best help them. If you’re on your own, these same questions can help you focus and prioritize what’s most important to you and help you get started. What do you [...]
Tired of your same four walls? Try some of these updates
After so many months at home, thanks to the pandemic, many of you are getting tired of looking at your same four walls and are ready to make some changes. Of course, you could knock down walls, or remodel your kitchen, or plan that ADU in your backyard. But I’m guessing that for most of you, just a few small changes will be enough (at least for now!) So in this [...]
Designing with Versatile Gray
Gray tones in interior design are still quite popular. In my own business, color schemes featuring gray are my most Gray tones in interior design are still quite popular. In my own business, color schemes featuring gray are my most requested. Gray is an extremely versatile color. It can be warm or cool, and can be successfully used as a neutral backdrop for other colors, or as an accent color [...]
Planning a Remodel During this Pandemic? Here’s What to Expect
Last March, at the beginning of the Covid-19 shut-downs, my industry, home remodeling, was affected in a pretty significant way. For a time, we were unsure as to whether we would be allowed to work at all, and even if we were, would people want to continue with their remodeling projects? Certainly, we thought, with the threat of a highly contagious and potentially deadly virus, clients would not want us [...]
Working from home? Ideas for your home office
The global pandemic has upended all of our lives in one way or another. For those among us who have suffered terrible outcomes such as illness, death, and job loss, I am truly sorry and offer my sincere best wishes for a happier future. This column is not meant in any way to downplay the seriousness of this situation. This column is about interior design, and since we are spending [...]
Happiness is a Small House with a Big Kitchen
Happiness is a small house with a big kitchen. These words are attributed to none other than Alfred Hitchcock, and when I heard them recently, I knew I should write about them. While it’s known that Hitchcock loved to indulge in delicious food, whether he was an avid cook himself is not entirely clear. But in any case, I’ve yet to hear any of my design clients say “I’d like [...]
Favorite Projects of 2020
Despite the pandemic, home renovations seemed more popular than ever! As you might have expected, with people home more, things that bothered them about their homes came to the forefront. I received many calls for home offices, kitchen and bath remodels, and whole-house updating. In this column, I’d like to highlight a few of my favorite projects from 2020. Family Friendly Home Office We finished this project in [...]
Master Bedroom and Bath Transformation
Although this room was functional and certainly checked off all the basic boxes, my clients’ master bedroom and bath was in need of a makeover. A few years ago I helped these dear clients renovate their entire downstairs, and now it was time to tackle the upstairs. provigil over the counter Interior design involves a lot more than using just beautiful materials; it is also about resolving issues and making [...]
Ready to embark on your kitchen or bath remodel?
Contact Anna to book your initial consultation.